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Rubber adhesive RE

Rubber adhesive RE is the polycondensate of resorcinol and aldehyde

Technical Data

Appearance            dark reddish brown semi-transparent amber-like solid 
Softening point ℃                          60-85 
Density g/cm3                          1.295-1.335


1. Rubber adhesive RE can produce adhesive force through reacting with methylene donors 
2. Suggested ratio: 2-5 poses Rubber adhesive RE: 2.5 poses Rubber adhesive A or other methylene donors.

Packing & Storage

1. In cardboard case lined with PE film bag, net wt. per drum is 20kg. 
2. Check if the packing is perfect without any damage. Stored in dry, clean and cool warehouse; dampness and heating is strictly prohibited. 
3. Shelf life is one year.


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